Abbey of San Gallo, Swiss
third step 2023:
San Gallo
Theme: Spirituality
The historic Library of the Abbey of San Gallo is an authentic baroque jewel that contains even today within its walls invaluables manuscripts, prints and historical documents. This famous and gorgeous site it will be the place of the third stage of the conference and event called ‘In cammino’ on November 29th.
During the day, a delegation led by the director of Spazio Teatro No’hma in Milan Livia Pomodoro will meet inside the Abbey District and within the Cathedral the ecclesiastical members and the civil authorities of San Gallo, including the mayor Maria Pappa and Cornel Dora, the director of the Library. It will also be present the President of the Dante Alighieri Society of San Gallo, Eleonora Rothenberger.
S.em.R. Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi – President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Culture – realized a very thoughtful video about the meaning of the word ‘Silence’, which is the theme of the meeting. The video was accompanied by a selection of live music played by the harpist Vincenzo Zitello and by the readings performed by the actress Simonetta Solder will be projected inside the Forum of St. Katharinen, in 21 Katharinengasse at 5 pm.
Paolo De Simeis, President of the Es Eastern Switzerland was an important guest of the event. Admission was free.
Livia Pomodoro who was also the founder of the festival affirmed that it’s since 1983 that the Abbey District is a World Heritage Site, the same applies to the magnificent Library that it could be considered as an island of knowledge, which has its value within European history and culture.
Cardinal Ravasi in his lectio said “it may seem paradoxical that to talk about silence we have to appeal to the usage of words that are by definition its antipodes. In truth the two realities are intertwined with each other. The real antithesis is between silence and noise”.
We should moreover like to point out that San Gallo initiative was realized with the active contribution of the Consulate General of Switzerland in Milan.
San Gallo, 29 novembre 2023
Abbazia di San Gallo e Biblioteca: incontro con i membri ecclesiastici e le autorità civili di San Gallo, tra cui la prima cittadina signora Maria Pappa e il direttore della Biblioteca dell’Abbazia dottor Cornel Dora. Nell’incontro in Biblioteca sarà presente anche la Presidente della Società Dante Alighieri di San Gallo, dott.ssa Eleonora Rothenberger.
Ore 17.00 – Il Silenzio, Forum St. Katharinen, in Katharinengasse 21.
S.Em.R. il Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi – Presidente emerito del Pontificio Consiglio della Cultura – lectio magistralis sulla parola “Silenzio”, che farà da filo conduttore a questo incontro: il video, corredato da una selezione di musiche dal vivo dell’arpista Vincenzo Zitello e di letture dell’attrice Simonetta Solder .
Porterà il suo saluto Paolo De Simeis, Presidente Com.It. Es Svizzera Orientale.
L’ingresso è libero.