Fourth step 2023:
Certosa di San Lorenzo, Padula, Italy
Theme: Beauty
For the fourth and last stage of 2023 was elected the Certosa di Padula, in the province of Salerno that it could be considered one of the most evocative and fascinating architectural monuments in the Italian artistic and cultural scene. It became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1998. Giambattista Basile’s drew ispiration from this fabulous place to produce his collection ‘Lo Cunto de li Cunti’. This is the site to which the word beauty refers, the central theme of this last stage.
The morning of December 21 th was entirely focused on the conference also by the involvement of some associations: Bio-sustainability, agri-food, tourism and future of territorial principals in Italy and Europe and Bio-district and Parco Cilento, which saw the bio district Cilento as an example of agro-sustainability. It’s an association founded in 2004 and located within the Cilento National Park, Vallo di Diano and Alburni that involves one hundred municipalities of Campania and over one thousand certified organic farms.
The association won in 2022 the Organic Awards which is an award assigned to European excellence in the field of organic farming granted among others by the European Committee of the Regions and the European Commission.
The conference that was chaired by the director Livia Pomodoro opened with institutional greetings and introductory speeches and then was developed on two main strands: an interest in food and Mediterranean diet and an overview of the activities of the Bio-district.
Afterwords, the following spoke : Rosanna Romano, director of the Campania Region; Giovanni Guzzo, Vice President of the Province of Salerno; Michela Cimino, Mayor of Padula; Claudio Serafini, director of Organic City Network Europe; Rossella Galletti, professor of cultural and symbolic anthropology at the University Suor Orsola Benincasa of Naples; Anna Nigro, President of the Bio-district; Salvatore Basile and Emilio Buonomo, respectively Honorary President and Director of the Bio-district.
The President Pomodoro during her speech said “for the fourth stage of our journey through the most important European abbeys it’s therefore of the utmost importance for us to be here in the Certosa di Padula, in Cilento, a land able to rediscover our Italian roots and to connect people with each other in a culturally high form”.
In the afternoon the meeting has been focused on ‘Beauty in religion and ethics’that was introduced by S.E.R. Mons. Francesco Savino – Vice President of CEI for Southern Italy – and Massimo Sebastiani who is the head editor of Ansa and editor of the column ‘the word of the week’.
An engaging excursus focused on the key word “beauty” that touched secular, spiritual, historical and social issues towards a timeless, deeper and human dimension.
The day has ended with a marvellous concert played by Antonella Ruggero and Alberto Olzer. He accompanied on the piano. They presented a repertoire composed of some of her successes such as “vacanze romane” or “ti sento” and songs and sacred music.